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Past Alerts & Alert Tracker

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Past Alerts can be found on the Alert Tracker page HERE. If you are a member, you can log in to see all past alerts. Free members will not be able to see past premium alerts.

These trade ideas are not required to be traded on the stock or options market by PPP or any of its owners or employees. These trade ideas are for educational and entertainment purposes only. We are not financial advisors. Please contact a financial advisor about your own financial decisions.

The purpose of this page is to provide a consistent way to track every trade alert sent to members. It’s important to remember, these are all POTENTIAL trade ideas. None of these trade ideas are required to be taken by Pure Power Pick’s, its employees, or its members. The trade ideas are as always, for informational purposes only. This data is used for illustration purposes only to provide ample evidence that the trade ideas sent to members, do in fact have powerful potential at times.

It’s also important to note that the data below does not include, incorporate, or reference any sort of stop loss or risk minimizing strategy. For example, an option contract below that shows a gain percentage of over 100% in the max gain column now, could have been near 0% in value at any point in time after the alert was sent. Options are HIGHLY volatile and one of the most riskiest assets someone can trade.

*Important to note a Max Gain is highly unlikely for the vast majority of traders and should not be construed as a profitable strategy by any means. It is represented as a statistic to provide ample evidence that there is potential, profitable gains to be had on the options contract trade ideas that are alerted to members

As for the data represented in Alert Tracker – Pure Power Picks take no liability if information is incorrect from input error, incorrect calculation, or any other potential unforeseen mistakes when creating, logging and curating this data. That being said, PPP stands by the integrity of the data and to the best of our abilities believe it to be factual and correct in its purpose and representation.

While Pure Power Picks has been conducting business since as far back as 2020, PPP only began collecting this level of detailed data from alerts in the midst of 2021 forward. The data above starts in January 2022 and represents all the alerts sent to members past that date.

If you have any questions, Please get in touch with us using the form below!

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